The Print Picture Alphabet Deck
21 page PDF digital download licensed for a single user
Introduction with writing on the Alphabetic Principle, Key Reminders for the Sandpaper Letters, Sequencing, Using Letter Names, When to Provide Extensions, and Keyword Considerations.
Picture deck presentation with age, aims, prerequisites, script and video links.
21 Extension ideas to provide variety and repetition
Picture deck with images + print letters
Picture deck with images only
Print letters only
21 page PDF digital download licensed for a single user
Introduction with writing on the Alphabetic Principle, Key Reminders for the Sandpaper Letters, Sequencing, Using Letter Names, When to Provide Extensions, and Keyword Considerations.
Picture deck presentation with age, aims, prerequisites, script and video links.
21 Extension ideas to provide variety and repetition
Picture deck with images + print letters
Picture deck with images only
Print letters only
21 page PDF digital download licensed for a single user
Introduction with writing on the Alphabetic Principle, Key Reminders for the Sandpaper Letters, Sequencing, Using Letter Names, When to Provide Extensions, and Keyword Considerations.
Picture deck presentation with age, aims, prerequisites, script and video links.
21 Extension ideas to provide variety and repetition
Picture deck with images + print letters
Picture deck with images only
Print letters only